It started with The Keeper, and now continues with The Haven. In the first book we met the Lapp family, and had a pretty big adventure. That didn't slow down with this book either. Sadie Lapp, the middle of the three Lapp girls is returning home. Only she isn't coming back home as she expected, she is coming home with a baby! Yes, an unwed Amish young woman with a baby in tow. Instantly people mange to start rumors about who the baby's father is, but they sort of forgot to ask Sadie a few very important questions. Especially Gid. Gideon sees Sadie with the new English boy Will and jumps to conclusions of his own! M.K., Sadie's little sister is blurting out things that are getting contorted and totally out of hand and M.K doesn't even know what all she has done wrong. As Will lives in the cottage that was once Roman's (from The Keeper) he is tracking the progress of a nest of rare breed falcons, and helping Sadie and her family with the baby.
Why should the Lapp family keep this baby, and what kind of repercussions will Sadie and her family face if they do? What are they going to do with Stern Fern, and is Amos Lapp's body rejecting his son Menno's heart?
There is a great deal going on in this book with multiple situations and I only covered a very few. I enjoyed learning more about what happened with the Lapp family after their oldest daughter moved with her husband. I wasn't totally wild about the way this book ended, but I am hoping that the changes that are yet to come will be in the third book.
About the Book:
When Sadie Lapp steps off the bus in Stoney Ridge after being in Ohio for the winter, she is faced with a decision–one that goes against her very essence. Yet it’s the only way she can think of to protect a loved one.
Schoolteacher Gideon Smucker has been crazy about Sadie since boyhood. But his response to her surprising decision undermines his own reputation–and his relationship with Sadie.
College student Will Stoltz is spending the spring at the Lapp farm as a guard for a pair of nesting Peregrine Falcons–courtesy of the Lancaster County Game Warden. Will needs to get his life back on track, but his growing friendship with Sadie threatens his plans.
The lives of these three individuals intertwine, and then unravel as unexpected twists create ripples through the town of Stoney Ridge . . . and through Sadie’s heart.
Once again, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher intrigues and delights with a story that explores the bonds of friendship, family, and true love. Readers will enjoy every surprise in Sadie’s story as they search for the truth hidden within these pages.
About the Author:
Her interest in the Amish began with her grandfather, who was raised Plain in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. She travels back east a couple of times each year for research. For fun, too.
Suzanne has a great admiration for the Plain people and believes they provide wonderful examples to the world. She has an underlying belief in her books–you don’t have to “go Amish” to incorporate many of their principles into your life: simplicity, living with less, appreciating nature, forgiving others more readily, trusting in God.
When Suzanne isn’t writing, playing tennis (badly!), or bragging to her friends about her grandbabies (so cute!), she is raising puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. To her way of thinking, you just can’t take life too seriously when a puppy is tearing through your house with someone’s underwear in its mouth.
Keep up on Suzanne’s latest news by receiving her e-newsletter, as well as connecting on Facebook, Twitter and her blog!
Available August 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of
Baker Publishing Group.
1 comment:
Hi Carol! Thanks for being part of the blog tour for "Haven." Nice to know you read "Keeper," too. Warmly, Suzanne
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