Chasing The Wind is brought to us by Pamela Ewen. She is the author of The Secret of the Shroud, and Dancing on Glass. You can read my reviews of those two books by clicking on their links. My current life has been hectic of late that I started to not get this book, but seeing that it was my change to read a third book by Pamela Ewen I decided I would. I am glad I didn't miss out! I had not realized that Chasing The Wind was going to be a sequel of sorts to Dancing on Glass. Dancing on Glass grabbed my attention and my memory very deeply.
So now we return to Amelise. Having just barley survived her abusive husband, and having had some of the super traumatizing parts of his death blocked from her memory, Amelise has had to return to work. She is back at the law offices again. Jude, who we met in the first book, has manged to nudge her back into her former life in the office, but she isn't quite the same as she was. Jude had given up on love with Amelise when she married her now deceased husband Philip, and he is now in a relationship with her friend Rebecca. Rebbeca who also happens to be a rival to the firm that Amelise works with now. So here stands Amelise, amazed that she is more or less intact after what Philip put her through, and how her life is changed, and how it hasn't and as she stands looking over the view of the city a gleam, a glint, a flash of light garners her notice.
The time is 8:47 and the date is October 12, 1977. Amelise figures she is the only one who saw this little light show, that is a small plane landing, but that isn't so.
At that exact same time a little boy sees the glint of light, but his reaction isn't quite the same. This little boy is oriental, and hasn't live in the USA always. He is a Cambodian refugee, and that same light makes him have flash backs and memories of the terrors he has endured already in his lifetime.
That glint of light was caused by a plane landing. A plane with a well off business man on board who is coming to town for a purpose. A purpose that will soon tie Amelise together with a little boy who has lived an entire lifetime of war, pain and horror by the age of 6. It will also tie Amelise to a project to build a massive and rather tacky hotel smack next to the French Quarter of New Orleans, and to the detriment of a great many people.
So while you maybe wondering if that is just coincidence, I am here to tell you that just isn't so. A might God is leading each and every step and before us are laid choices. Choices to act, or not to act, to care or not care, to hear the still small voice and follow, or to wish we had know what might have been. In Chasing the Wind happenstance is not just a coincidence. You will have to read this book to find out if Jude and Amelise being together is part of the bigger picture or not, and where the little boy Luke fits into this, as well as the wealthy business man Bingham Murdock, and what the outcome could mean to New Orleans and to the law firm Amelise works for.
I am very glad I got the second book with Amelise in it, and I hope there is another one in the works.

Until recently retiring to write full time, Pamela Binnings Ewen was a partner in the Houston office of the international law firm of BakerBotts, L.L.P., specializing in corporate finance. She now lives just outside New Orleans, Louisiana, with her husband, James Lott.
She has served on the Board of Directors of Inprint, Inc., a non-profit organization supporting the literary arts in Houston, Texas, as well as the Advisory Board for The New Orleans Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of The Tennessee Williams Festival in New Orleans; Pamela is a co-founder of the Northshore Literary Society in the Greater New Orleans area. She is also a member of the National League of American Pen Women.
Pamela’s first novel, Walk Back The Cat (Broadman & Holman. May, 2006) is the story of an embittered and powerful clergyman who learns an ancient secret, confronting him with truth and a choice that may destroy him.
She is also the best-selling author of the acclaimed non-fiction book Faith On Trial, published by Broadman & Holman in 1999, currently in its third printing.
Although it was written for non-lawyers, Faith On Trial was also chosen as a text for a course on law and religion at Yale Law School in the Spring of 2000, along with The Case For Christ by Lee Stroble. Continuing the apologetics begun in Faith On Trial, Pamela also appears with Gary Habermas, Josh McDowell, Darrell Bock, Lee Stroble, and others in the film Jesus: Fact or Fiction, a Campus Crusade for Christ production.
Pamela is the latest writer to emerge from a Louisiana family recognized for its statistically improbable number of successful authors. A cousin, James Lee Burke, who won the Edgar Award, wrote about the common ancestral grandfathers in his Civil War novel White Dove At Morning.
Among other writers in the family are Andre Dubus (Best Picture Oscar nomination for The Bedroom; his son, Andre Dubus III, author of The House of Sand and Fog, a Best Picture Oscar nomination and an Oprah pick; Elizabeth Nell Dubus (the Cajun trilogy); and Alafair Burke, just starting out with the well received Samantha Kincaid mystery series.
At 8:47 A.M. on Wednesday, October 12, 1977, new-to-town businessman Bingham Murdock flew his small plane into New Orleans, banking it in such a way that a ray of sunshine shot through the city at light speed.
Amalise Catoir saw the flash from her sixteenth floor law office window. Finally feeling alive after the death of her abusive husband, she imagined seeing the plane was a fate for her eyes only; a special connection between the unknown giver and she, the recipient of light.
But someone else saw it, a six-year-old Cambodian refugee in foster care for whom a sudden burst of brightness reminds him of artillery fire.
Destined to cross paths with the man and the child, Amalise doesn’t yet know the deeper spiritual lesson she will learn: that we are responsible not only for the things we do, but also for the things that we don’t.
If you would like to read an excerpt of Chasing The Wind, go HERE.
Pamela can be reached through the Contact link on her Website.
The book link is:
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