Friday, February 22, 2013

When The Heart Heals by Ann Shorey (Sisters At Heart Series)

FIRST - another great give-away!

In When the Heart Heals, Book 2 in author Ann Shorey’s Sisters at Heart series, Civil War nurse Rosemary Saxon wants to use her skills as a healer in the town of Noble Springs. But the townsfolk, and the town's new doctor, aren't sure what to make of her unconventional ways! To celebrate the story, Ann and Revell Books are proud to announce the TEA WITH ROSEMARY giveaway, featuring three incredible prizes.

Timeframe & Notifications:  This giveaway starts February 15, 2013 and ends March 7, 2013 @ 11:59 pm (PST) Winners will be selected Friday, March 8, 2013, and announced right here on the site.

Tea with Rosemary - Grand PrizeGRAND PRIZE:
Rosemary's artisan breads are a town favorite. Our grand prize winner will enjoy fresh-made artisan breads just like Rosemary's, delivered right to their door with a Zingerman's 6 month Bread of the Month Club membership.

Tea with Rosemary - Second PrizeSECOND PRIZE:
Rosemary's garden is a source of healing for many in the town of Noble Springs. Our second prize winner can grow their very own herb garden, from the comfort of their kitchen.

Tea with Rosemary - Third PrizeTHIRD PRIZE:
Rosemary's hand-blended teas and soaps are sold at the town mercantile and grocery, and are a favorite of several of the town's eligible bachelors. Our third prize winner will have the chance to create their own special tea blends, and enjoy soap just like Rosemary's. 

How to Enter:
Go to and click the Enter Now button, anytime between February 15 and March 8.

The first book in this series is Where The Wildflowers Bloom. This book is When The Heart Heals. It picks up with Rosemary's life. Rosemary became a friend to Faith in the first book, and they continue their friendship in this one. Faith is married to Rosemary's brother, Curt. Rosemary is a strong woman, she worked as a nurse in the war. Now that job is not seen as acceptable  so her reputation with some is less than stellar, even though Rosemary has done nothing to deserve this kind of rejection except to try to bring more husbands and sons back home alive.

Rosemary is in need of work, and frankly protection, but she hasn't admitted the latter. She winds up working with Dr. Stewart as his nurse. This is quite unheard of, but what else is she to do? This is what her training is in, and she is considered old at 27 with out a husband. In spite of her strength and temper, she has someone harassing her. She hasn't complained or voiced her duress, but when given the change to help a young un-wed mother, she shockingly did that as well, even on her limited tiny fiances! Rosemary simply doesn't want to move into the house with her brother and sister-in-law, no matter how much she loves them, she would like to be able to survive with out that kind of assistance. Before long she is getting strange misspelled and threatening notes on her door step threatening her to stop using "witches brew" but all she uses is herbal treatments. The folks who use them come to her and to Dr. Stewart for double help in many cases. Now Jake is wanting to court her and she can't figure out other than the one month on the medical field during the war why she would be so drawn to Dr. Stewart.

Now with the threatening situation increased, will it take all she has to decide to stand and stay in town and keep being a nurse and seeing Elijah Stewart, or she will have to leave all she knows and loves behind again.

I enjoyed this book, possibly even more than the first one. It stands alone just fine, but it also ties in very nicely to the first book in this series. I like how strong, but yet real Rosemary was portrayed  and the deep flow of forgiveness and healing that runs through the sub-plots or issues in the book.


About the Book:

Courageous and unconventional, Rosemary Saxon served as a nurse during the Civil War, a service that has caused most women in town to regard her as unfeminine and downright vulgar. Although she would like to put her experiences as a nurse behind her, she must support herself. Rosemary takes a position with Dr. Elijah Stewart and a mutual attraction begins to develop.

But when a sophisticated woman arrives in town claiming to be Elijah’s fiancée, a heartbroken Rosemary decides to leave Noble Springs and start fresh. Can Elijah convince her of the mystery woman's deception before he loses her forever?

Return to the town of Noble Springs, Missouri, for an engrossing story of love’s tentative first steps and fragile future in the face of opposition. Readers will find in Rosemary a sympathetic but strong woman determined to thrive in a world that doesn’t always understand.

Book Info & Sample Chapter: Can be found at

Ann's Web Site:

About the Author is huge, and worth reading! Check it out -

The Book Link:

Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fortress Of Mist by Sigmund Brower (Merlin's Immortals Book Two)

The Orphan King is the first book in this series. In The Fortress of Mist we continue with out missing a beat in the story of Thomas and his life and friends, and his enemies. Thomas now has the throne, but there is a lot more that comes with this throne than he ever pondered in the days when his much loved Sarah trained him for the destiny he was meant to fulfill.

Druids - a word that evokes fear and death, a group of people who are evil and wield a good deal of power. Who is among them and who is not? Thomas of Magmus is now in a fight for his kingdom, as well as his soul. He has a wonderful Pastor who he has been conversing with, but he has not yet made a commitment to where his loyalties will lie. The Earl Of York is in power over him, and they are under the King Edward II.
Oh but it is not that simple. The Earl of York professes to be a friend, yet wears a ring of the probably foe, and he could yet be a traitor waiting to kill him in battle. Battle?! Oh yes. King Edward II has sent The Earl of York and Thomas of Magmus to fight the Scotts who are nearby. Thomas was able to win Magmus with out loosing a single life, so can he do that again? Can he protect those he is suppose to protect, guard his heart and sort out his friends from his enemies before all is lost?

This second book in this series picks up and just takes off! I was reading pages faster than I even realized!
Major issues will to light, and all will fall or rise based on where hearts are committed  I really enjoyed this book. I also found out that this series is suppose to be a revised and expanded version of The Winds of Light Series - Magnus, which just makes me want to go read those too!

Carol :)

About the Book: 

The throne is redeemed, but the battle is just beginning.          

In the dark corners of an ancient land, evil lurks in the shadows. Powerful druids haunt the spaces of their lost territory. Double-minded noblemen fight for domain and influence. Invaders from the north threaten the kingdom of Magnus. This land of promise and redemption is mired in deceit and corruption. 

The Orphan King, once victorious in conquest, appears to be losing his grip on his seat of power. Thomas rules Magnus, but does not know whom he can trust. His enemies anticipate his every move, thwarting him at each turn. Something is not right.

Under attack, both in the supernatural and natural worlds, Thomas must reach back into the secret layers of his past to find the strength and wisdom to fight his battles. When the mist clears, who will stand with him?

About The Author: 
With three million books in print, SIGMUND BROUWER is the best-selling author of dozens of popular books for children and adults. An acclaimed storyteller and passionate reader, Brouwer brings his characters to life with the desire to give voice to truth. Over the last two decades, his Rock and Roll Literacy presentation has inspired students and teachers at schools all across North America. Sigmund is married to songwriter recording artist Cindy Morgan. The couple and their two young daughters divide their time between Red Deer, Alberta and Nashville, Tennessee.

The Orphan King - 
Fortress of Mist -
Author Website

In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this book 
from the publisher. 

Participants’ links:
Gillian Adams
Julie Bihn
Thomas Fletcher 
Beckie Burnham
Janey DeMeo
Theresa Dunlap
Victor Gentile
Nikole Hahn
Jeremy Harder
Ryan Heart
Janeen Ippolito
Becky Jesse
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Emileigh Latham
Rebekah Loper
Shannon McDermott
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Megan @ Hardcover Feedback 
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Anna Mittower
Eve Nielsen
Nathan Reimer
James Somers
Steve Trower
Phyllis Wheeler

The Orphan King by Sigmund Brouwer (Merlin's Immortals Book One)

I have read just a few of Simgund Brower's other books. Broken Angel is one of the ones I have read that stuck with me. The Orphan King is another book that is going to stick with you, and even more so for the sequel  Fortress Of Mist,  which I will get to in another post. I have to go ahead and tell you that this series is not your "classic" Merlin and King Author tales. It is connected ,but it is also all on its very own!

Thomas is an orphan, and he has been raised by Sarah. She has raised him with nothing short pretty full instructions of his destiny. He is to destroy the circle of evil, where-ever and whatever that is. For now he has been a slave "servant" in a monastery full of un-Godly men. Knowing that it is time to set forth on the mission he has been raised and destined to seek, he leaves the monks under a great deal of duress. They didn't really want to loose their "slave" but it is high time. Soon Thomas is in the company of a Knight, a mute and deaf young woman, and a young pickpocket! He is keeping this strange collection of people with him because of an old man that appeared and said to do so. This is  a man he doesn't know who he is or how he knows what he knew, but that this is somehow tied to his life's mission  He has a very daunting task. He is going to go take possession of the fortress, the castle/manor called Magnus.

All Thomas has is this ragged little group, his training which he keeps rather hidden, and the things that Sarah taught him, his rather conflicted heart in matters of who to trust and not to trust, and a prophecy. "Delivered on the wings of an angel, he shall free us from oppression."

A very good first book in this series, it speaks boldly of starting to find one's way to God and who to trust, and the forces in play vying for destinies that are yet to come. This is a very in-depth book and this review of mine doesn't quite feel that it does it enough justice, and yet this is the background and set up for what is to come in the next book.


About the Book:

The future of the Immortals is in the hands of an orphan

My greatest fear was that they would find us and make of us a sacrifice beneath a full moon. Now you, Thomas, must help us destroy the circle of evil.

The last words of a dying woman would change the life of young Thomas. Raised behind monastery walls, he knows nothing of his mysterious past or imminent destiny. But now, in the heart of medieval England, a darkness threatens to strangle truth. An ancient order tightens their ghostly grip on power, creating fear and exiling those who would oppose them. Thomas is determined fulfill his calling and bring light into the mysterious world of the Druids and leaves the monastery on an important quest.

Thomas quickly finds himself in unfamiliar territory, as he must put his faith in unusual companions—a cryptic knight, a child thief, and the beautiful, silent woman whom may not be all she seems.  From the solitary life of an orphan, Thomas now finds himself tangled in the roots of both comradery and suspicion.

Can he trust those who would join his battle…or will his fears force him to go on alone?

About The Author:
With three million books in print, SIGMUND BROUWER is the best-selling author of dozens of popular books for children and adults. An acclaimed storyteller and passionate reader, Brouwer brings his characters to life with the desire to give voice to truth. Over the last two decades, his Rock and Roll Literacy presentation has inspired students and teachers at schools all across North America. Sigmund is married to songwriter recording artist Cindy Morgan. The couple and their two young daughters divide their time between Red Deer, Alberta and Nashville, Tennessee.

The Orphan King - 
Fortress of Mist -
Author Website

In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this book 
from the publisher. 

Participants’ links:
Gillian Adams
Julie Bihn
Thomas Fletcher 
Beckie Burnham
Janey DeMeo
Theresa Dunlap
Victor Gentile
Nikole Hahn
Jeremy Harder
Ryan Heart
Janeen Ippolito
Becky Jesse
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Emileigh Latham
Rebekah Loper
Shannon McDermott
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Megan @ Hardcover Feedback 
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Anna Mittower
Eve Nielsen
Nathan Reimer
James Somers
Steve Trower
Phyllis Wheeler

Monday, February 18, 2013

Picture Perfect by Janice Thompson (Weddings by Design Series)

I have read some of The Backstage Passes books, so I thought this one might be good. I was thrilled with it frankly, simply because it involves at least two things that I am passionate about. That would be Photography and Weddings. Any of us who have worked in photography, or are still working in the photography field will enjoy this book. Those of us (like myself) who have also photographed weddings are likely to find ourselves very immersed in this book. I too miss my developing chemicals, and I enjoyed getting a mental revisit to my greatly missed darkrooms!!!

In Picture Perfect, Hannah has her business up, and mostly running. However, she is unsure of herself and she really wants to secure her photography business's future by successfully pulling of the wedding of a rather famous singer. Bless her, Hannah is a nervous Irish wreck! Her "nemesis" is very handsome, and her competition  Drew is also a very good photographer, one that Hannah feels that she can't quite equal up to when even her own Mother accidentally picks his work over hers. Hannah and Drew are pushed together for a family photo shoot that is quite an event! During this long day Hannah finds herself attracted to Drew, and while she is wondering if he is as bad as he seemed, he seems drawn to her as well. There could be more going on than just being rival photographers, but what if that means Hannah has to give up her business? What about her dreams?

So, what makes this book good? I am so glad you asked! How about the tiles of most, if not all the chapters are also Bing Croby songs, and that they fit the chapter too. Very creative and fun. Then there are Irish quotes, poems or sayings at the front of each chapter too, because Hannah is very Irish. In fact, Drew is from a clan that lost to Hannah's kin way back when. How is that for "family" historical tension for a couple to deal with? How about how Hannah's darli'n "Orish" Mum is sick and tired of cooking potatoes and pot roast for Pop and is enthralled with cooking and eating Italian food and needs to keep it a secrete from her husband who would never understand that it isn't corn beef and cabbage - again. The photography. I can't help it! I warned you, a romance that has photographers in it with humor and is still a Christian book with love, forgiveness and growth - Yeah!


  About the Book:

She's trying to focus on her future. How can one man make everything feel so . . . fuzzy?

Hannah McDermott has a successful photography studio. She'll soon be featured in Texas Bride magazine. And she has a celebrity client whose Galveston ceremony will be her ticket to the top spot on wedding coordinator Bella Neeley's list of recommended photographers. But it could all come crashing down around her because of one man: archrival and photographer extraordinaire Drew Kincaid.

As the competition between Hannah and Drew heats up, Hannah is surprised to find that it's not the only thing getting more intense. She can't get the handsome man out of her thoughts--or even out of her line of sight--and the job of her dreams is turning into a nightmare. Will everything she's worked for slip out of her hands? And can she see past her pride to find a picture-perfect love?

With contagious humor and a cast of quirky characters, Janice Thompson gives you crazy bridal-business drama, sweet romance, and a satisfying dose of laughter.

   About the Author:

Janice Thompson is a seasoned romance author and screenwriter. An expert at pulling the humor from the situations we get ourselves into, Thompson offers an inside look at the wedding business, drawing on her own experiences as a wedding planner. She is the author of the Weddings by Bella series and the Backstage Pass series. She lives in Texas.

Her web site is:
The book link:

Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Daybreak by Shelley Shepard Gray (Book One The Days Of Redemption)

When I first started reading Daybreak I kept thinking, I have read this before! How is that possible? I kept reading and was thinking, this is too weird, I know what is going to happen next, but how? Once I got through a few more chapters it dawned on me! I read this much in the "sneak peak" at the end of one of Ms. Gray's other books.

Viola is working a nursing home, listening to Edward's Dad read all his letters to him out loud to her. Sometimes her mind wonders off, but she does try to pay attention. It means so much to this sweet older man. Suddenly, Ed is back! His mission trips have ended and he is home from Nicaragua! He isn't only home, he is suddenly there and often around his Dad and Viola.

While Ed is dealing with being in the home where his family is now absent, and adopting a darling stray dog, Viola is dealing with major family crisis's as well. Her Grandmother has hidden from them all that she use to be English! How horrifying is that to a whole family who always felt they didn't measure up enough in their Grandmother's eyes! But why was she English, and why hide it, and why not come "clean" and share with the family about when and why??? And if Viola falls in love with Ed, can she leave her sister who is going blind, get away from her family and have a new life, or is it all too painful to deal with?

Daybreak is a good read about growing, and forgiving, and loving.
I am glad I got to read it, and I did NOT read the "sneak peak" this time yet.

This week, the

is introducing

Avon Inspire; Original edition (February 12, 2013)



Since 2000, Shelley Sabga has sold over thirty novels to numerous publishers, including HarperCollins, Harlequin, Abingdon Press, and Avon Inspire. She has been interviewed by NPR, and her books have been highlighted in numerous publications, including USA Today and The Wall Street Journal.

Under the name Shelley Shepard Gray, Shelley writes Amish romances for HarperCollins’ inspirational line, Avon Inspire. Her recent novel, The Protector, the final book in her “Families of Honor” series, hit the New York Times List, and her previous novel in the same series, The Survivor, appeared on the USA Today bestseller list. Shelley has won the prestigious Holt Medallion for her books, Forgiven and Grace, and her novels have been chosen as Alternate Selections for the Doubleday/Literary Guild Book Club. Her first novel with Avon Inspire, Hidden, was an Inspirational Reader’s Choice finalist.

Before writing romances, Shelley lived in Texas and Colorado, where she taught school and earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education. She now lives in southern Ohio and writes full time. Shelley is married, the mother of two children in college, and is an active member of her church. She serves on committees, volunteers in the church office, and currently leads a Bible study group, and she looks forward to the opportunity to continue to write novels that showcase her Christian ideals.

When she’s not writing, Shelley often attends conferences and reader retreats in order to give workshops and publicize her work. She’s attended RWA’s national conference six times, the ACFW conference and Romantic Times Magazine’s annual conference as well as traveled to New Jersey, Birmingham, and Tennessee to attend local conferences.

Check out Shelley's Facebook Fan page


When Viola Keim starts working at a nearby Mennonite retirement home, she strikes up an unlikely friendship with resident Atle, whose only living relative, son Edward, is living as a missionary in Nicaragua. Viola understands the importance of mission work, but she can’t imagine leaving her father in the hands of strangers. Even though her family is New Order Amish, it’s not the Amish way, and though she doesn’t know Ed, she judges him for abandoning his father.

But when Ed surprises his father with a visit, Viola and Ed both discover an attraction they never expected. Despite her feelings, choosing Ed would mean moving to a far-off country and leaving her family behind. She can’t do that. Her twin sister, Elsie, is going blind and will need someone to care for her all her life. Her family is reeling with the recent discovery that her grandmother hid her past as an Englischer. Her father seems forgetful and distracted—and to be harboring some secrets of his own.

Does Viola dare leave them all behind and forge her own life?
Or will family ties mean her one chance at love slips away?

If you would like to read a first Chapter excerpt from Daybreak,go HERE.

The book link is: 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rebecca by Jill Eileen Smith (Wives of The Patriarchs Book Two)

First the news of how you can get to talk to Jill Smith LIVE - and very soon even!

Jill Smith will be the featured guest on a Live interactive Video Chat Session sponsored by “Shindig” on Tuesday February 19th at 7:00 pm EST!!  It’s free to attend, and you can meet Jill and ask any questions you have for her!  Go here to RSVP and find out more details about this event.

Join best-selling author Jill Eileen Smith as she presents ten facts and/or possibilities you might not know about the Patriarch Isaac's wife Rebekah. Do you have a question about the people in the Bible you've always wanted to ask? Jill will take questions about biblical characters, biblical fiction, and about any of her books in the Wives of the Patriarchs or Wives of King David series. So please, plan to join us!

Rebecca is another one of these wonderful books by Jill Eileen Smith that I have found to be quite captivating. It is a neat gift to expound upon the lives of our most well know, and well loved women in the Bible. This Author incorporates the Scripture with events as they would have been in the time frame of the Biblical story. Areas that the real life people lived in are interwoven with what feels like very accurate thoughts and feelings that just happen to folks no matter what time frame God placed them in. 

Rebecca has marred Isaac. She is nervous, but grateful that God has sent her a suitable husband, and even one kin to her! So off she moves to live with her new husband, and she finds he carries some pain from his Mother, and his upbringing. Rebecca has huge shoes it seems she has to fill, following in the heritage of Sarah. Then, like Sarah, Rebecca is faced with something many women today have dealt with. She isn't having a baby when she planned to, in fact, she is really upset that God hasn't sent her a baby at all! How is she suppose to do what God said Issac would do because of Abraham if she can't bear a child? Then it gets even more difficult! Once she is with child, they are fighting with in her and God send an Angel to tell her about the babies that she is carrying. Only one more bit of a problem, Issac prefers one son, while Rebecca prefers the other son.

This is a wonderfully well written book, and I already have someone in mind to share it with!
Even thought I know the Scriptures very well that these books are woven from, I find them refreshing and revealing when I read them.

Carol :) 

 About the Book:

Can love heal the rift between two souls?
When her beloved father dies and she is left in the care of her conniving brother Laban, Rebekah knows her life has changed forever. Though she should be married by now, it’s clear that Laban is dragging his feet, waiting for a higher bride-price to line his pockets. When she is given a chance to leave her home to marry Isaac, a cousin she has never even seen, Rebekah’s hope for the future is restored. Little does she know what a wondrous and heart-wrenching journey she is beginning.
As Rebekah experiences the joy of young love and the bitterness of misunderstanding and betrayal, her resolve will be tested. When the rift between her and Isaac grows so wide it is surely too great to be mended, can she trust the God of Isaac’s father Abraham to bridge the gap?
About the Author:
Jill Eileen Smith is the author of Sarai and Rebekah, books one and two in the Wives of the Patriarchs series and best-selling author of Michal, Abigail, and Bathsheba, all part of the Wives of King David series. Her research has taken her from the Bible to Israel, and she particularly enjoys learning how women lived in Old Testament times.  
The Book link is:

Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A New Home For Lilly by Mary Ann Kinsinger and Suzanne Woods Fisher (Book 2 of The Adventures of Lily Lapp)

First of all - guess what? You can win copies of both the books in this series! Just follow this link after you check out my reviews. *wink*

Here is my review for the first book: Life With Lilly

In A New Home For Lily, Lily Lapp has had to move to Pennsylvania with her family. She left behind her friends, and her beloved pony. Life where she is now is changing, and that rather rapidly. Lily has a new teacher, a new nemesis, Effie, who is often verbally mean and plays tricks on her. Then there is the most upsetting boy the world to deal with as well, Aaron Yoder. Her clothes are different because the Order here has slightly different rules. They have farming issues, working issues, and house issues to sort out. At least her Grandmother is close by!

Lily's working so hard to wait for her new doll to get Plain clothes, and then not being able to have her really tore at my heart. When Effie did what she did with the beautiful paper dolls, I almost cried also. I loved the sweet cows, and the event-filled night in the barn. Oh, and that dangerous sawdust! Aggg! The sticker fun was great, and something I made as a child. The baby goats were just as darling as my own baby goats I have raised. Lily's pondering at how adults do things, well, I thought a few things like that as a child too.
And at last came along Lily's next little brother. Oh my! God didn't send her a baby sister, and that wasn't the easiest thing in the world to deal with, and he got a name she didn't like to top that off! (I know that feeling too as I had some very *strong* ideas about what gender my sibling was suppose to be when I was half of Lily's age!) Starting all over isn't as easy as Lily wishes it were, but day by day she is learning there is a Plan for her life, and a big God watching over them all.

I very much enjoyed this second book in this series. It reminds me of my upbringing, and it also reminds me of an Amish "Little House On The Prairie . I simply loved reading those books growing up, and I would love to one day have my own children to read this series to as well. So far the deeper this series goes, the more fun it is!

Carol :)

   About the Book:

Book 2 in The Adventures of Lily Lapp series. Change is all Lily faces when her family moves to an Amish community in Pennsylvania. She has to make new friends, settle into her new home—which she thinks is ugly—and adjust to another new baby brother. (Still no sisters!) Even worse, a boy at school, Aaron Yoder, enjoys tormenting poor Lily. There are some bright spots about Lily’s new home—she has a wonderful teacher, and her relatives have moved close by. But there are a few lessons Lily needs to learn about starting over. Read an excerpt.
About the Authors: 
Mary Ann Kinsinger was raised Old Order Amish in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. She met and married her husband, whom she knew from school days and started a family. After they chose to leave the Amish church, Mary Ann began a blog, A Joyful Chaos, as a way to capture her warm memories of her childhood for her own children. From the start, this blog found a ready audience and even captured the attention of key media players, such as the influential blog AmishAmerica and the New York Times. She lives in Pennsylvania.

Suzanne Woods Fisher is the bestselling author of The ChoiceThe WaitingThe SearchThe Keeper, and The Haven, as well as nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace. Her interest in the Anabaptist cultures can be directly traced to her grandfather, W. D. Benedict, who was raised in the Old Order German Baptist Brethren Church in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Suzanne is a Christy Award nominee and is the host of an internet radio show called Amish Wisdom. She lives in California.
The Book Link:

Available Febuary 2013  at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Redeeming Grace by Ward Tanneberg

When I saw Ward Tanneberg's name, I had to read this book! Quite a while back, I read a trilogy of his:
September Strike, Pursuit, and October's Child. I actually just let my family borrow them to read a few months ago. From his past books, I knew I would like Redeeming Grace, I just didn't know how much! 

Grace Nicole Grafton and her two best friends, Ilene and BJ, were graduating with their Master's degrees in about three more days. They went out on the town to have a nice time together and celebrate out in the hot Savannah, Georgia climate. When they very least expected it, they would up with the most "amazing" offer! While I was reading my mind was screaming at them to back out, turn this down, but instead, like real like the events just kept moving forward. Grace's friends talk her into it, it was just too good to refuse and Grace needed to live a little.... right? 

Now Grace, aka Taylor, has been in hiding for seven long years. Seven years running and hiding all because of that one night that drastically changed her life, and forever altered the lives of several people who were dear to her. It wasn't even her fault, but now her life has been totaled. She has run, been one of the most scared, and yet one of the most brave women to fight for her life! She has felt like God has left her, and yet, she knows He is with her and has a plan for her life. Grace has been through a whole lot more than just high water. She carries so much pain, and guilt, and while we wish she wouldn't, we can see why she has been! 

Grace is a fighter, and stronger than most. Faced with the most awful trauma she has manged, though barely, to keep her wits. She has found herself in the snare of the fowler, a snare run by some of his more evil henchmen. Fleeing from those with unspeakable power, Grace is just one insignificant feeling person who is now faced with monumental challenges that make her past almost seem easy. Her past has caught up to her, because until our pasts are healed or dealt with, they are still with us and sometimes, just sometimes, they can be dangerous to ourselves and to others. She has followed where God has led, even while unsure if it is God that is leading her. She has made connections, while trying to avoid being connected. Now, in her darkest hours, Grace is about to find out what it really means to have been granted redeeming grace. A grace and a path that can save those she loves the most now, her fiance' and his two children, and her best friend.

Filled with strong characters  and a tiny tie back to October's Child (unless I got that wrong), Redeeming Grace is well worth reading. It isn't just a story about survival, pain, death, corruption, greed, lust, forgiveness, love, healing, growing and seeing God move, but it is also a wake up call and a warning to some of the events that are around us that can so easily pass us by if we aren't watchful.

I am so glad I got to read this new book by Ward Tanneberg!
Carol :) 

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Redeeming Grace
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas;
1st edition (February 28, 2013)
Ward Tanneberg

Ward Tanneberg is a pastor/writer/novelist who has given more than 50 years to evangelism, youth, college and pastoral ministry, including two Pacific Northwest churches and 23 years as the senior pastor at Valley Christian Center in Dublin, CA. In 2008, he was named President/Executive Director of The CASA Network. Ward speaks extensively at 50+ retreats and ministry leadership events in the USA and elsewhere. When at home he meets weekly with a group of business and professional leaders. He and Dixie have 2 children, 3 grandchildren, 4 step-grandchildren and a great grandson.

Seven years ago, Grace Grafton died in a boating accident while partying on the Georgia, South Carolina coast. Was her death the result of alcohol and drugs or something more sinister? Nobody knows: her body was never recovered. Now years later, a woman reads in disbelief the note addressed to her: Hello Grace, did you think we wouldn't find you?

Those nine chilling words end Grafton's self-imposed sanctuary of witness protection. Now she and everyone she loves are in grave danger. Long believed dead, she has a secret that can change the world. She knows the man running for president is guilty of a double murder! But who will believe her?

If you would like to read the first chapter of Redeeming Grace, go HERE.

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