Extreme is the word for No Greater Love. This was a rather gripping page turner, and one of the few books I have read that I couldn't predict the plot, or be rather sure of what was coming next. I did find it sad, but yet true in many ways. It did cause me to grieve though, which I am sure was not the intent of the author. It is though, a very good portrayal of South Africa in a very dark time of its history.
I haven't quite finished More Than Conquerors because I had a mailing issue occur. :p
I can tell you that this book is almost a totally different tone than the first book in this series. It appears to have a much different ending than No Greater Love. This is good for readers who don't care for the first book because the second one is much different.
Things that are alike are the ways that the main characters find God, and how they hear from God and how this affects their lives. That part is very real and nicely done.
Carol :)
No Greater Love
More Than Conquerors

A Former newspaper columnist and string reporter, Macias is a credentialed minister and served as an associate pastor at a large church in Southern California, where she did biblical counseling, trained small group leaders, and oversaw support/recovery ministries. She is a popular speaker at churches, women’s clubs and retreats, and writers’ conferences, and has appeared on several radio and TV programs.
...(set in South Africa in 1989, during the violence and turmoil just prior to Nelson Mandela’s release from prison and the overthrow of Apartheid.
Forbidden romance, an unlikely martyr and an even more unlikely hero. Orphaned four years earlier when their parents, active in the African National Congress ANC movement against apartheid, were murdered16-year-old Chioma and her 15-year-old brother Masozi now live and work on an Afrikaner familys farm. When Chioma and Andrew, the farm owners son, find themselves attracted to one another, tragedy revisits their lives. Chioma escapes to join an ANC rebel band in her effort to survive and gain revenge for her family and culture. When cultures clash in life-or-death struggles, Chioma must choose between violence and revengeor forgiveness and selfless love. Loosely based on historical events and set near Pretoria, South Africa, in the violent upheaval prior to ANC leader Nelson Mandelas release from prison in 1990 and his ascendance to the presidency of South Africa, this story of forbidden romance produces an unlikely martyr who is replaced by one even more unlikely.
If you would like to read the Prologue and first Chapter of No Greater Love, go HERE.
Watch the video trailer:
...(set in Tijuana, Mexico, and also in San Juan Chamula, Mexico, which is deep in the heart of Mayan country)
True love ignites their passionate pursuit of His call With violent crime on the rise and the political climate changing throughout certain parts of Mexico, the opportunity for open Christian witness, particularly in some areas of Chiapas State, is rapidly decreasing. Hector Rodriguez pastors a small church in the tourist-popular border town of Tijuana. He also routinely carries Bibles deeper into the hostile areas of Mexico, where he ministers despite increasing difficulty and persecution. Hectors mother accompanied him on one of those trips and felt God called her to stay in the little village of San Juan Chamula, where she uses the Scriptures to teach reading to the families who are open to it. In retaliation for Hectors bringing the Bibles into areas hostile to Christians and in an effort to dissuade him from continuing to expand his ministry there, Hectors mother is murdered. Hector must decide if he will continue his work despite his worries about protecting his wife and children.
If you would like to read the Prologue and first Chapter of More Than Conquerors, go HERE.
Watch the book video:
The book link for No Greater Love is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1596692774
The book link for More than Conquerors is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1596692839
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