Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Secrets of Ink and Paper by Lindsay Harrel

The Secrets of Paper and Ink FB Banner(2)

About the Book51e5obPqP-L._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_

Title: The Secrets of Paper and Ink
Author: Lindsay Harrel
Genre: Women’s Fiction
Release date: February 26, 2019
Publisher: Tyndale
Lindsay Harrel presents a powerful story of healing, forgiveness, and finding the courage to write your own story.
A year after the death of her abusive fiancé, domestic violence counselor Sophia Barrett finds returning to work too painful. She escapes to Cornwall, England—a place she’s learned to love through the words of her favorite author—and finds a place to stay with the requirement that she help out in the bookstore underneath the room she’s renting. Given her love of all things literary, it seems like the perfect place to find peace.
Ginny Rose is an American living in Cornwall, sure that if she saves the bookstore she co-owns with her husband then she can save her marriage as well. Fighting to keep the first place she feels like she belongs, she brainstorms with her brother-in-law, William, and Sophia to try to keep the charming bookstore afloat.
More than 150 years before, governess Emily Fairfax knew two things for certain: she wanted to be a published author, and she was in love with her childhood best friend. But he was a wealthy heir and well out of her league. Sophia discovers Emily’s journals, and she and William embark on a mission to find out more about this mysterious and determined woman, all the while getting closer to each other as they get closer to the truth.
The lives of the three women intertwine as each learns the power she has over the story of her life.

Click here to purchase your copy.

My Review:
An absolutely lovely read! I liked the title. Inside you will meet three outstanding women. This isn't always my favorite genre, but this book has so many "pluses". From domestic abuse, history, forgiveness and love, major losses and hope, this story pulled me along through every emotion the main characters endured. It has another favorite feature of mine, more than one POV. It has a happy and expected ending, but left me feeling like I had more than that because of the overcoming strength all three of these ladies showed. Sophia, Ginny and Emily's stories are worth reading. 

5 Stars

About the Author


Lindsay Harrel is a lifelong book nerd who lives in Arizona with her young family and two golden retrievers in serious need of training. She’s held a variety of writing and editing jobs over the years and now juggles stay-at-home mommyhood with writing novels. When she’s not writing or chasing after her children, Lindsay enjoys making a fool of herself at Zumba, curling up with anything by Jane Austen, and savoring sour candy one piece at a time. Connect with her at

Guest Post from Lindsay

With every book I write, it seems God has something new to teach me. That certainly was true of The Secrets of Paper and Ink.
Lately, I am learning more and more about the power of our words. I’ve become more conscious of the words I speak over myself as well as what I say to other people. It’s more than “positive thinking”—the words we say ultimately contribute to the stories we weave, and I want my story to be as positive and hope-filled as possible, regardless of my circumstances.
I’ve also become much more aware of the lies that I tell myself—“you are not worthy, you are not enough, you will never achieve what you want to achieve”—and the need to replace those lies with the truths that God says about me. I have listened to Lauren Daigle’s song You Say on repeat lately, and it has become a theme not just of The Secrets of Paper and Ink, but one in the story of my very life.
So while I may not have experienced everything my characters have—I’ve never suffered emotional abuse, or been ostracized by my family, or been orphaned and alone in a world that seems against me at every turn—I have learned alongside them. I set out to write a book that would draw readers closer to the true healer and hope giver, and I ended up being drawn closer myself.
And that, to me, is the true power of story.

Blog Stops

The Avid Reader, February 26
The Power of Words, February 26
Carla Loves To Read, February 26
Blogging With Carol, February 27
Carpe Diem, February 28
Andy Carmichael, March 1
The Becca Files, March 2
Emily Yager, March 3
Genesis 5020, March 4
Stories By GinaMarch 4
Simple Harvest Reads, March 5 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)
Mary Hake, March 5
Remembrancy, March 6
Pause for Tales, March 7
Book by Book, March 7
The Lit Addict, March 9
Bigreadersite, March 10
Henry Happens, March 11
amandainpa , March 11


Image result for the heart between us
To celebrate her tour, Lindsay is giving away a copy of Lindsay’s first book The Heart Between Us!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Ladies of Intrigue: 3 Tales of 19th-Century Romance with a Dash of Mystery

Ladies of Intrigue FB Banner

About the BookLadiesOfIntrigue_Cover

Title: Ladies of Intrigue
Author: Michelle Griep
Genre: Christian Historical
Release date: February 2019
Publisher: Barbour
3 Page-Turners Under One Cover from Reader Favorite Michelle Griep!
Can truth and love prevail when no one is as they appear?
The Gentleman Smuggler’s Lady
Cornish Coast, 1815
When a prim and proper governess returns to England from abroad, she expects to comfort her dying father—not fall in love with a smuggler. Will Helen Fletcher keep Isaac Seaton’s unusual secret?
The Doctor’s Woman (A Carol Award Winner!)
Dakota Territory, 1862
Emmy Nelson, daughter of a missionary doctor, and Dr. James Clark, city doctor aspiring to teach, find themselves working side by side at Fort Snelling during the Dakota Uprising. That is when the real clash of ideals begins.
A House of Secrets
St. Paul, Minnesota, 1890
Ladies Aide Chairman, Amanda Carston resolves to clean up St. Paul’s ramshackle housing, starting with the worst of the worst: a “haunted” house that’s secretly owned by her beau—a home that’s his only means of helping brothel girls escape from the hands of the city’s most infamous madam.

My Review:
From the title forward, I was indeed, intrigued. Even the cover pulled me in. Once into the book, I was immersed in the stories. They are all historical, and all three are fantastic. From the 19th century settings to covering topics like smuggling, forgiveness, romance, strong tales, and awesome characters, this book was a smash hit with me. 

5 Stars

About the AuthorMichelleGriep_AuthorPhoto

Michelle Griep has been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. She seeks to glorify God in all that she writes—except for that graffiti phase she went through as a teenager. She resides in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, where she teaches history and writing classes for a local high school co-op. An Anglophile at heart, she runs away to England every chance she gets, under the guise of research. Really, though, she’s eating excessive amounts of scones while rambling around a castle. Michelle is a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) and MCWG (Minnesota Christian Writers Guild). Keep up with her adventures at her blog “Writer off the Leash” or visit

Guest post from Michelle

3 Reasons to Read Historical Fiction

Guest post by Michelle Griep

Believe it or not, some readers snub historical fiction, preferring instead to stick to contemporary reads. Several have good reason to, simply preferring one genre over another. But others have never given historical fiction a try. If you fall into that camp, here are some reasons you should consider reading a tale from the past.

  1. Historical fiction books are not as boring as your high school history class.
Does the thought of endless names and dates make you break out into hives? Good news! Historical fiction is a painless way to glean some historic facts without mindless memorization. You can experience a different era and culture vicariously through heroes and heroines that live on the pages of yesteryear.

  1. Makes for great conversation.
In a world that prides itself on keeping up with the Kardashians, dare to add a little cultural zest to your next dinner conversation. Reading historical fiction arms you with interesting tidbits of things that’ve happened in years gone by.

  1. Because truth is timeless.
Some people yearn to go back to a simpler time. The truth is, though, that the grass isn’t necessarily greener on the historic side of the fence. People have had tough issues to deal with no matter the era. . .but therein lies a great reason to read historical fiction: truth is timeless. Be it ancient, biblical, medieval, Victorian, or anything in between, truth never changes.

In my new release, Ladies of Intrigue, you’ll experience all these things and more. Find out about the smuggling trade in Cornwall in The Gentleman Smuggler’s Lady. Learn about the rough and dangerous life on a military fort during the 1860’s in The Doctor’s Woman. Find out why the gilded age wasn’t as glittery as we often think in A House of Secrets.

Don’t be doomed to repeat history. Grab a cup of tea and master it with a great read!

Blog Stops

The Avid Reader, February 23
The Power of Words, February 23
D’S QUILTS & BOOKS, February 23
Blogging With Carol, February 24
Jeanette’s Thoughts, February 24
Mary Hake, February 24
Kathleen Denly, February 25
Genesis 5020, February 25
Splashes of Joy, February 25
Faery Tales Are Real, February 26
Inspired by fiction, February 27
All-of-a-kind Mom, February 27
Back Porch ReadsFebruary 27
Andy Carmichael, February 28
Stories By Gina, February 28
Emily Yager, March 1
Multifarious, March 1
Baker kella, March 1
Remembrancy, March 2
BigreadersiteMarch 3
Vicky Sluiter, March 4
Book by Book, March 4
Pause for Tales, March 6
Simple Harvest Reads, March 6 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)
Carpe Diem, March 8


To celebrate her tour, Michelle is giving away a grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card and a free copy of Ladies of Intrigue!!
Be sure to comment on blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Castle on the Rise by Kristy Cambron

Castle on the Rise FB Banner

About the Book 51HebgejznL

Title: Castle on the Rise
Author: Kristy Cambron
Genre: Christian Historical Romance
Release date: February 5, 2019
Publisher: HarperCollins
A storied castle. A band of rebels. A nation chasing a centuries-old dream of freedom. And three women who rise above it all . . .
When Laine Forrester travels overseas to attend her best friend’s vineyard wedding, she expects to find the bride on the brink of a fairy tale life. But after a series of unforeseen setbacks, it seems the storybook lives they’d imagined are suddenly ripping apart.
With hopes of resurrecting a happy ending, Laine agrees to accompany the newlyweds to the groom’s home in Ireland—never expecting she’d be the one drawn in by its wide-open moors, backroads bordering the Irish Sea, and a mysterious castle that dares to keep its secrets hidden.
From the storied streets of Dublin to the shores of the Emerald Isle, Laine is drawn in to the land and its rich history. The castle ruins whisper stories of Issy—a photojournalist battling through the 1916 Easter Rising, and Maeve—the castle’s lady of legend, fighting for survival through the 1798 rebellion that started it all.
Spanning more than two centuries, Castle on the Rise unites the legacy of three women who must risk mending the broken places within—for life, love, and the belief that even through the depths of our pain, a masterpiece of a story can emerge.

My Review:

I do wish I'd been able to read the first book, but I found this one strong enough to make me want to read the other one! Inside the covers of this book is a TRIPLE time line, and enough of Ireland to make me sigh. Romance, history, castles, strong characters - I'm well pleased. It's not a preachy book, but instead focuses on choices and their outcomes as they echo through the ages. 

It does hail to Scottish and Irish roots, with the pups and drinks. I don't have a problem with this, as long as people aren't drunk. Even Christ turned water into wine for a wedding, and in many cultures "ale" is still an item that brings people together under one roof. I can see why this author is award-winning. I enjoyed being swept away by this novel. 

5 Stars 
Click here to purchase your copy.
About the Author


Kristy Cambron is an award-winning author of Christian fiction, including her bestselling debut The Butterfly and the Violin, and an author of Bible studies, including the Verse Mapping Series. She is a passionate storyteller who travels to speak at ministry events across the country, encouraging women to experience a deeper life in the Word through verse mapping. Her work has been named to Publishers Weekly Religion & Spirituality TOP 10, Library Journal’s Best Books, RT Reviewers’ Choice Awards, and received 2015 & 2017 INSPY Award nominations.
Kristy holds a degree in Art History/Research Writing, and lives in Indiana with her husband and three sons, and can probably be bribed with a coconut mocha latte and a good read.
To stay connected, visit

Kristy’s Research Trip to Ireland

Blog Stops

Back Porch ReadsFebruary 19
Maureen’s MusingsFebruary 19
The Power of Words, February 19
Livin’ Lit, February 20
Texas Book-aholic, February 20
Fiction Aficionado, February 21
Gensis 5020, February 21
Blogging With CarolFebruary 21
Bigreadersite, February 21
Just the Write Escape, February 22
As He Leads is Joy, February 22
Inspired by fiction, February 23
Connect in Fiction, February 23
Carpe Diem, February 23
Bibliophile Reviews, February 24
D’S QUILTS & BOOKS, February 24
Lis Loves Reading, February 24
Emily Yager, February 25
Moments, February 25
All-of-a-kind Mom, February 26
Mary Hake, February 26
Simple Harvest Reads, February 27 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)
Remembrancy, February 28
Inklings and Notions, February 28
Pause for Tales, March 1
The Becca Files, March 2
Book by Book, March 2


To celebrate her tour, Kristy is giving away a grand prize of one finished copy each of The Lost Castle (book 1) and Castle on the Rise (book 2)!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.