Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Honeybee Sisters Cookbook by Jennifer Beckstrand

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Books

The Honeybee Sisters Cookbook Cover 1
Click here to purchase.
A collection of delicious honey recipes from the Honeybee Sisters book series, featuring quotes and recipes from Sweet as Honey, A Bee in her Bonnet, and Like a Bee to Honey–Amish romances by Jennifer Beckstrand.
Lily, Poppy, and Rose Christner, known as the Honeybee Sisters in their Amish community, are smart, inseparable, and all grown up. Orphaned when they were very young, the girls were raised by their eccentric Aunt Bitsy, who doesn’t behave like a proper Amish spinster. The Honeybee Sisters have blossomed into rare beauties, and the boys in the community have begun to take notice. But Aunt Bitsy is determined to scare off all comers with her brusque manner and her handy shotgun. None but the most worthy will make it past Bitsy’s defenses. It’s going to be a rowdy and romantic summer–harvesting honey from their many beehives and fighting off the boys right and left.
Note from Aunt Bitsy: When my girls told me they wanted to write a cookbook, I wasn’t too keen on the idea. Food attracts boys like honey attracts bees. I warned them that if they didn’t want the boys hanging around the house, they shouldn’t make the cakes and pies and cookies that are sure to bring them running. My nieces didn’t seem to be alarmed about the prospect of boys all over the place, so I suppose they’ll have to learn the hard way.
My problem is that smart, feisty, pretty girls attract boys even better than honey does. So even if my girls stopped cooking altogether, I have a sneaking suspicion that the boys would still find excuses to come over.
Some of the recipes in this book, like Honey Glazed Pretzels and Whole Wheat Bread, are very traditional Amish dishes. Others, like Salmon Tacos and Coconut Lime Chicken, are less traditional but still wunderbarr. I lived as an Englischer for twenty years before coming back to the Amish to raise my three nieces, and as a dental hygienist, I collected a lot of recipes.
Here’s my final warning: Boys are like stray cats. If you feed them, they’ll keep coming back. Buy this cookbook at your own risk.
My Review:
The Honeybee Sisters Cookbook is a very fun book! It is stuffed with honey laden recipes as well as fun and witty quotes from the book series. 

The photos are scrummy looking, and other photos are just plain fun. All the ones with the sisters just make me smile! I'm reading this series right now, but I read the cookbook first. I have to say, it just made me hungry for cooking some of these, and to read the books. It's so well done! 

Recipes like this one; Pear Honey Crumble, and Honey Bee Lemon Pound Cake make it hard to not drool on my ebook device. 

Quotes like; "You shouldn't make Josiah a cake if you don't want him coming over. I suggest asparagus casserole." had me laughing so hard. 

I don't want to share too much about this book, you really should read it yourself, but I think I have a craving for Killer Bee Pizza now. 

My copy came from Celebrate Lit in exchange for my honest review, and nothing more. 

About the Author
jennifer Beckstrand 1Jennifer Beckstrand is the bestselling Amish romance author of The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill series for Kensington Books. Huckleberry Summer was nominated for the RT Book Reviews Reviewer’s Choice Award and the 2015 RITA® Award, and Huckleberry Hill won the 2014 LIME Award for Inspirational fiction. Both Huckleberry Hill and Huckleberry Christmas appeared in list of top ten inspirational books for 2014.
Jennifer has always been drawn to the strong faith and the enduring family ties of the Plain people and loves writing about the antics of Anna and Felty Helmuth. Jennifer has a degree in mathematics and a background in editing. She and her husband have been married for thirty years, and she has four daughters, two sons, and four adorable grandchildren, whom she spoils rotten.

Guest Post from Jennifer Beckstrand

Nothing brings family and friends together like a home-cooked meal. When I think of Amish food and cooking, I think of the way my mother used to cook and the way her mother cooked before her.
Both my parents grew up on farms, and hard work was a way of life. So were homemade meals and food that stuck to your ribs and gave you fuel for a hard day’s work in the fields. Cooking was more of an art than a burden, a way to sustain life, but also a labor of love for your family, day in and day out.
I joke with my husband that I have forgotten how to cook now that we’re empty nesters and I’d rather eat cold cereal that fire up the stove, but creating a nutritious meal for my family or baking a delicious dessert still brings me satisfaction and is a gift of the heart to my loved ones.
The Honeybee Sisters Cookbook began to take shape when I came up with the idea for a series about three sisters who keep bees and make delicious honey treats. In the Honeybee Sisters Cookbook, you’ll find some traditional Amish favorites as well as some not-so-Amish dishes—recipes that Aendi Bitsy collected from her years living with the Englisch. The pages are filled with mouth-watering photos, and I’ve included quotes from the Honeybee Sisters books. I hope you enjoy trying out the recipes as much as we enjoyed creating them for you.
My father in-law, who was also raised on a farm, passed away very recently. His mother made him a bowl of oatmeal every morning, which he hated, and it would be waiting for him after school if he didn’t eat it at breakfast. In honor of him, I would like to share a rhubarb recipe. Rhubarb was one of his favorite treats.
This recipe is authentically Amish from my friend Priscilla Stoltzfus in Pennsylvania.
Rhubarb Upside-down Cake
Mix together:
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
2 cups rhubarb, diced
Pour rhubarb mixture into an 8×8 pan.

Mix together:
¼ cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1 egg
2 cups flour
2 ½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
Pour the flour mixture over rhubarb mixture and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Turn upside-down on a plate to serve. Serve warm, if you wish.

Blog Stops

September 20: Smiling Book Reviews
September 20: Book Babble
September 22: Reading Is My SuperPower
September 23: Books,Dreams,Life
September 24: D’S QUILTS & BOOKS
September 25: Bibliophile Reviews 
September 26: Simple Harvest Reads
September 27: A Baker’s Perspective
September 28: Blogging With Carol 
September 29: Bukwurmzzz
September 29: Donna’s BookShelf
September 30: Through the Open Window
September 30: cherylbbookblog
October 3: Quiet Quilter


To celebrate her tour, Jennifer is giving away one set of The Honeybee Sisters Series! Click here to enter:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Lost Wolf by Stacy Clafin

Lost Wolf
Stacy Claflin
(Curse of the Moon, #1)
Publication date: July 17th 2016
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult

She’s hiding a dark secret. It already killed her once.
Victoria can’t wait to start college, but there’s a hitch—she can’t remember anything before arriving on campus. Her memories spark when she sees her ruggedly handsome math professor, but she senses something horrific. The shock on his face affirms her fears.
Toby is an alpha wolf who never thought he’d see his true love again—not after she died in his arms. Nothing could have prepared him for her walking into his class. But to his dismay, not only has she forgotten what happened, she doesn’t even know who she is.
He’s determined to do whatever it takes to restore what they’ve lost. Can Toby help Victoria recover her memories, or will he lose her forever?

Find Lost Wolf at any of these links:

Excerpt #1:
Beads of sweat broke out along my hairline. I wiped them away, tightened my ponytail, and ran faster along the dirt trail, jumping over exposed roots and ducking under low-hanging branches. Pine trees, firs, and alders turned my path into more of an obstacle course than a trail.
A twig snapped behind me. 
I glanced back, but didn’t see anything. Probably just a raccoon.
My sneaker hit a root and my arms flew in front of me. I landed on my hands and knees, and slid down an incline. Rocks and branches dug into my skin until I crashed into a huckleberry bush.
I stood and dusted myself off. Blood dripped from my legs. I pulled twigs, dirt, and small rocks from the cuts.
“Nice work, Victoria,” I muttered to myself.
Sasha had said I shouldn’t have gone into the forest for my first jog. But having just moved to the beautiful Olympic Peninsula, I wasn’t about to join a club when I had the great outdoors. Birds chirped all around and a stream bubbled nearby. It was like the woods were telling me I’d made the right choice.
Another snap.
“Who’s there?” I sounded a lot braver than I felt. My heart thundered against my ribcage and I whipped my head around. My roommates had said the woods were safe, but I was also trusting people who had been strangers only a couple days earlier.
Why had I gone into the woods alone? Wasn’t that how half of all horror movies started?
I thought of Sasha running on a treadmill, flirting with cute college guys. Maybe she was the smart one.
“Hello?” I called.
Nothing. The birds had even stopped singing.
“Is anyone there?”
The footsteps came closer.
My pulse drummed in my ears. I fought to breathe normally.
A small gray and black wolf stepped out from behind the tree. He made eye contact with me. 
I didn’t move a muscle, holding its gaze.

Excerpt #2:
Attention, please,” Professor Foley said and turned around.
Grace snapped her attention toward the front. I followed suit.
“Welcome,” he continued.
I studied his profile. There was something familiar about him.
My heart raced at the thought.
He continued speaking, focused on the other side of the group. I couldn’t understand a word he said. The longer I stared at him, the more convinced I became that somehow I knew him. Or at least had seen him somewhere.
His hair was dark and thick, his skin tanned to perfection. He had stunning features and a gorgeous profile. It was hard to believe he was old enough to be a professor. He was younger by far than all the others I’d seen. A magazine cover would have been a more fitting place for him.
Professor Foley turned toward my side of the group. “And be sure to ask questions. That’s what we’re here…” His voice trailed off as our gazes met. His face paled and his eyes widened. His expression held something. Horror? Shock? Whatever it was, he continued staring at me.
I was frozen in place. My heart thundered in my chest, threatening to break through my ribcage. I knew him. Without a doubt, we had spent time together. I just couldn’t remember any of it. My palms had grazed that stubble and my eyes had stared into those deep blue eyes. Even with the distance, I recalled that he often smelled of woodsy aftershave and soap.
Those around me whispered, bringing me back to the present.
Professor Foley cleared his throat and glanced around at the other students. “Excuse me. As I was saying, the faculty is here to help you. Just don’t wait until the final hour.”
“What was that?” Grace whispered.
My mouth gaped and I shook my head.
“You know him or something?”
“Shh,” I snapped.
“Sorry.” She scooted away.
My hands shook. I sat on them to get them to stop.
Foley stopped talking, and everyone paired off. Grace glanced at me, her expression pensive.
I nodded and tried to push the instructor out of my mind. But how could I? He was my only clue to my past. Part of me longed to run around the other students and throw my arms around him.
Grace came over. “I wasn’t trying to bother you before.”
“I know. Sorry. What are we supposed to do?”
“We’re supposed to discuss…”
My gaze wandered back over to Professor Foley. He was speaking to a couple students and smiling. My chest constricted. Oh, that smile. It had taken my breath away countless times, though I couldn’t remember a single one of them.

Excerpt #3:
“What?” Sasha asked. “What’s wrong?”
Other than the fact that I had no memories before a couple days earlier? “Nothing. Sorry, I guess I’m just hungry.”
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
I forced a smile, meeting her gaze through the mirror. “No ghosts. I just need some food.” Conversation drifted up from downstairs. “As soon as I finish my makeup.”
She tilted her head. 
I grabbed a tube of eyeliner. “Meet you downstairs?”
“Sure you’re okay?”
I leaned toward my reflection and applied the makeup along my eyelash line. “Couldn’t be better. Save a hottie for me.”
She giggled. “I’m sure there’ll be plenty to go around.”
“See you in a few.” I moved to my other eyelid. 
“Okay, but if that really tall baseball player comes, he’s mine. What was his name?” She paused. “It doesn’t matter. I claim him.”
“You’ve got it.” I studied my eyes to make sure the liner was even.
She left the room, closing the door.
I put the lid on and dropped it, finally allowing myself to let my realization sink in. My hands shook. How could I have no memories? Nothing. And how could I have not realized it sooner? I’d pulled into the driveway of the Waldensian and gotten out, knowing exactly what I was doing. But without a single memory from before. 
My Jaguar had been packed full of my belongings—everything I would need for a successful year of college. And clearly, I knew the skills I needed. I was a pro at applying makeup, had great fashion sense, and could text like it was nobody’s business.
Did I have a mom and a dad? I had to have, but trying to remember only made my head hurt. I went into my purse and dug around, finding credit and debit cards, a driver’s license, and everything else that seemed to prove I was a real person with a past. Except without any clues. The only address listed was for here at the mansion.
No clues to my previous life.
I grabbed my phone and went to my contacts. Only my roommates. There were no apps for social media, either. No photos. I hadn’t subscribed to any podcasts or put anything in the notes. The only thing remotely personal was the downloaded songs, but those didn’t tell me anything other than the fact that I liked popular music.
Whatever past I’d had was gone, or was at least out of my reach.
How could I remember nothing?
What was going on? What could have possibly happened to make me forget everything?

What inspired you to write Lost Wolf?
The Curse of the Moon series is a spinoff of my Transformed series. In that series, there are twelve books that cover a long timeframe. Some characters faded into the background as the series went in various directions. One such character, Toby, was a reader favorite. I received a lot of requests to bring him back or give him his own side story. With so much excitement, I decided to give him an entire series!

How did you get into writing?
I’m a lifelong storyteller. When I was a kid, I always got into trouble for trying to convince others that my stories were real. One time I even convinced my friends that she had a robotic unicorn built by my grandpa. Now I save my stories for novels. I love stories of all kinds, and my writing shows it. I write paranormal romance, contemporary suspense, and sweet romance. Regardless of what I write, I always have suspense, twists, and turns.

What are your biggest creative influences?
That’s always a difficult one to answer. I’ve been an avid reader for as long as I can remember, and I’ve read all kinds of stuff, from The Babysitters Club to Stephen King. I used to read half a dozen stories at one time and never had any troubles keeping the story lines straight. I think I bring in a little bit of everything with me when I write my stories.

Tell us something interesting about your main characters.
When Victoria was getting ready for her first day of college, she realized had no memories of her life before showing up in a fully-packed Jaguar. Her phone has no contacts, nor does anything else offer her any insight to her life before college.
Toby is a hot alpha werewolf who never has any shortage of beautiful women interested in him, but he can't even pretend to have any interest because he can't forget the love of his life who died so long ago. He has reason to believe that she's alive, but doesn't know where to look.

What are you reading now?
The Afterworld series by Karice Bolton. If you love paranormal romance, it's a must-read!

What’s your best advice to hopeful writers?
Take it seriously and treat it like a business now – long before it is a business. I’m certain that if I hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t be a full-time author now. Bonus tip: Learn what you can from successful authors: listen to podcasts, read interviews, and join writer’s groups online or off.

Are you related to Sam Claflin, the actor who plays Finnick in the Hunger Games?
Yes, he’s my nephew.

What do you do when you're not writing? 
I spend my time planning my books and going over my editor's feedback. Oh, did you mean when I'm not doing anything related to books? :) I love spending time with my kids. Much of my days are spent homeschooling them. We also love going for walks and spending time outdoors. Our black lab, Lilly, is a popular member of the house.

Author Bio:
Stacy Claflin is a USA Today bestselling author who writes about complex women overcoming incredible odds. Whether it's her Gone saga of psychological thrillers, her various paranormal romance tales, or her sweet romance series, Stacy's three-dimensional characters shine through.
Decades after she wrote her first stories on construction paper and years after typing on an inherited green screen computer that weighed half a ton, Stacy realized her dream of becoming a full-time bestselling author.
When she's not busy writing or educating her kids from home, Stacy enjoys watching TV shows like Supernatural, Pretty Little Liars, and Once Upon a Time.
Join Stacy's newsletter to get three free novels. Register here to get your books right away:



Friday, September 23, 2016

Celebrate Lit November Celebration Box!


Celebrate Lit November Celebration Box

The November Celebration Box is here! 
This celebration box is a unique, one of a kind box with goodies hand picked by the author just for you! These boxes are special because they are not sold anywhere else. There is a limited supply so be sure to get yours right away!
The November’s box features Carrie Fancett Pagel’s Tea Shop Folly. Sales for the November box will close on October 10 or while supplies last. The first 12 people to order will receive an ebook copy of the Maggie Award 2016 finalist, The Substitute Bride.

The basic box includes:

  • A minimum of 6 items handpicked by the author themed around the book.
  • A themed charm specifically chosen for this book.
  • One lucky box will contain a special teacup and saucer that no one else will receive.
  • The first 12 people to order will receive an ebook copy of the Maggie Award 2016 finalist, The Substitute Bride.
Along with the basic box, you can purchase the ebook, paperback or an autographed paperback book.
To purchase your box, click here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Color of Danger by Alexa Verde

Color of Danger Banner (2)
To purchase your copy, click here.

About the Book 

Click to purchase

Life as the sister of a serial killer is never easy, especially when former runaway Mari Del Lobo becomes a target herself. A recent crime has her late brother’s signature and MO, which Mari finds highly unusual, as she still blames herself for her only sibling’s death. Soon Mari encounters an unexpected — and a very attractive — ally in Dr. Luke Goodman.
Luke couldn’t save his fiancée from the Smiling Killer, but he’ll do anything to prevent more murders, even ask for help from the serial killer’s sister. Finding a kindred tortured soul in Mari, Luke is determined to keep her alive, but it’s not easy to protect the stubborn ex-rebel.
To solve the mystery, renew her faith, and find love and redemption, Mari has to face her most dangerous enemy — herself. 
“One of the best Christian romantic suspense novels I’ve ever read.” – JoAnn Durgin, JoAnn Durgin, USA Today bestselling author.

My Review:
Bless her,  poor Mari has had time of it! As you will find out when this book starts, Mari had a hand in her brother's death. That would be hard enough, but added to the issue is the fact that her brother was a serial killer. Known as the Smiling Killer, Mari has borne the sigma of being his sister for a long time. Is the killer just wanting to torment Mari more than she has been already, or is Mari's life in danger? Is Mari all she said she is, or seems to be? 

Mari is character I really liked for her spunk. She is strong and sassy, but yet very human. Nowa was another character I liked, and then there is Luke. Ah, the good doctor who is virtually a PI and bodyguard as well as an amazing guy. The dialog between Luke and Mari was often humorous and always interesting, even when Mari did things that made me want to scream. There is plenty of fast moving suspense as a possible copy-cat killer is causing all kinds of issues. 

While I did figure out who the killer was, I still enjoyed every page of this book. Faith, forgiveness, and healing were all strong themes in this book, as well as dealing with fear, anger and finding hope and stability and coming to terms with where some of the main characters really stood with God. Oh, and wait till you find out why it's called "The Color of Danger." There is a very good reason for that. It's my first book by this author, and it's well worth the five stars. 

Carol :) 

About the Author
New Author PortraitAlexa Verde writes sweet, wholesome books about faith, love, and murder. She penned her first literary masterpiece, a rhymed poem, at the ripe age of eight, and since has had 200 short stories, articles, and poems published in the five languages that she speaks. She has bachelor’s degrees in English and Spanish, a master’s in Russian, and enjoys writing about characters with diverse cultures. She can claim her 15 seconds of Amazon fame with her books climbing to the #1 spot in Hispanic American and #3 in Christian Mystery & Suspense. She’s worn the hats of reporter, teacher, translator, model (even one day counts!), caretaker, and secretary, but thinks that the writer’s hat suits her the best. After traveling the world and living in both hemispheres, she calls a small town in south Texas home. The latter is an inspiration for the fictional setting of her popular series Secrets of Rios Azules. For giveaways (for example, Russian souvenirs), news, and recipes, please sign up for her newsletter Twitter: @AlexaVerde3. Facebook:

Guest Post from Alexa Verde

Thank you, Sandra, for having me on the CelebrateLit tour, and heartfelt thanks to all the bloggers who read and reviewed my novel Color of Danger. Every review, every kind word, every blog post matters tremendously to me. Very excited to be here!
In some ways, the first book is like the firstborn child. There is no feeling comparable to the one when your “baby” is born. While Color of Danger is not the first book I’ve written, it is the first book I’ve published, and I’ve done the latter with much apprehension and trepidation. But this was a story I needed to tell, about love, forgiveness, and perseverance in the face of adversity.
By then, my published works had ranged from senryu (Japanese poetry) to travel portraits to interviews, but it had taken me a while to find my voice in full-length books. However, once I realized I wanted to write Christian novels, I never veered off that road. I’m currently working on my first Christian contemporary romance, so my tagline might change. But for the Christian romantic suspense series, Secrets of Rios Azules, it is “Sweet, wholesome books about faith, love, and murder.”
I was told Mari was an unusual heroine. She’s tough, strong-willed, and fearless, and at the same time, vulnerable and hurt. Color of Danger is not just a combination of a Christian romance and a serial killer mystery. It is more than a story of friendship between “Danger Girls,” though Mari is loyal to a fault and would give up her life in a heartbeat for those she loves. First and foremost, it’s about believing in God again. And that’s what I strive for every one of my books to be.
A love letter to God.

Blog Stops

September 8: Daysong Reflections
September 9: Christian Bookaholic
September 11: SueStinnett
September 12: Carpe Diem
September 13: Reading Is My SuperPower
September 14: Mary Hake
September 15: A Baker’s Perspective
September 16: Quiet Quilter
September 17: The Power of Words (Spotlight)
September 18: D’S QUILTS & BOOKS
September 19: History, Mystery & Faith
September 20: Bukwurmzzz
September 21: Blogging With Carol
September 22: Rhonda’s Doings


To celebrate her tour, Linda is giving away a $50 amazon gift card! Click here to enter:

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Game On by Lillian Duncan

Game On Banner
Click here to purchase your copy.

About the book

Game on
Click to purchase

Politics is no game when a stalker nears and there’s nowhere to hide.
A run for the senate is just a step on the road to the White House for Congressman Lucas McMann. But his public profile has put him in the middle of a crazed gunman’s twisted game of stalking. If he wants to win the election and reclaim his life, he’ll need the help of the one person who’d rather leave their past behind them.
Private Investigator Nikki Kent knows how to dig up secrets and discover those who exist in the shadows. She should. She’s good at hiding secrets of her own. Can she risk her own discovery for someone so desperate for her help? For the first man who broke her heart?
With new-found faith, she’ll help Lucas search for the answers. But with the truth comes a danger they must face together.

My Review:

Lucas McMan use to be secure. Now he can't trust anyone. He is trapped in a game. A game happening in real life, and the one person who never wants to see him again is the only one who can help him. His winning the election he is in is becoming pale in comparison to just staying alive. Is his would be killer the woman with a camera? The guy across the street? How does he get out of the game he is in? What can he do when the game expands to harm others he deeply cares about?

Over all I enjoyed this book! There were two things that were jarring to me because they would have had an opposite effect if this were real life. One of them would have been lethal. in the situation it was in.  That part was a huge distraction for me, but I overcame it.

Overall I just wanted to get to the who done-it part. I love solving mysteries!

About the Author
lillian duncanLillian Duncan…Stories of faith mingled… with murder & mayhem.
Lillian is a multi-published author who lives in Ohio Amish country with her husband. After being diagnosed with bilateral brain tumors and Neurofibromatosis Type 2 in 2012, Lillian retired as a school speech pathologist after more than thirty years.. She believes in the power of words to transform lives, especially God’s Word.
Lillian writes the types of books she loves to read—fast-paced suspense and mystery with a touch of romance that demonstrates God’s love for all of us. To learn more about Lillian, you may visit her at or She also has a devotional blog at

Guest Post from Lillian Duncan

Everyone’s heard the saying: just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t out to get you! That’s the premise of my new political thriller, GAME ON.
Congressman, Lucas McMann wants to throw his hat into the political arena once again, this time for the U.S. Senate. It’s the next step on his journey to the White House, but he believes he’s the victim of an elaborate stalking game.
The problem is no one else believes him.
He can’t move forward until he stops the game. He can’t stop the game until he discovers who’s behind it. To do that he needs someone who will believe in him enough to help him get the proof he so desperately wants.
And he knows just the person.
If only she’s put their past behind her.
Private Investigator, Nikki Kent makes a living finding out other people’s secrets, but she has one of her own. When Lucas shows up asking for her help, she refuses. She can’t take the chance of her secret coming to light. But her new-found faith won’t let her turn her back on someone who is desperate for her help—even if he was the first man to break her heart
Game On is filled with enough twists and turns that will keep you turning those pages late into the night. I really had fun writing it and hope readers will have fun reading it. My publisher outdid herself with the book trailer for GAME ON so I hope you’ll check it out at:

Blog Stops

September 6: Quiet Quilter
September 8: A Reader’s Brain 
September 9: Bigreadersite
September 10: Mary Hake
September 11: Blogging With Carol 
September 12: The Power of Words
September 13: Simple Harvest Reads
September 14: Artistic Nobody
September 15: D’S QUILTS & BOOKS
September 16: Carpe Diem
September 17: Bibliophile Reviews 
September 18: Christian Bookaholic
September 19: Bukwurmzzz


To celebrate the release of GAME ON, Lilian is giving away a virtual basket of goodies. One lucky winner will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and their choice of an e-copy, Nook, or Kindle copy of one of my previously published books—sorry not GAME On. Five other people will be given a $5 Amazon Gift Card. And finally five more winners will get their choice of an e-copy of one of my previously published books.
That’s LOTS of winners!
All you have to do is leave a comment under one of the GAME ON posts at , and you’ll be entered. Contest will end on October 1! Winners will be announced on October 2. Be sure to check back to see if you’re a winner! Thanks.