What a fun book! I really enjoyed this upbeat, but very Christ centered book. I think many teen-age girls will enjoy this book a great deal too! Anna and Madison meet in a small Amish town and decide to switch lives for a week. Quite a feat considering one is a Manhattan socialite, and the other an exasperated Amish girl.
Anna is wanting to find her lost sweetheart who didn't come back after his rumspringa. Madison is wanting to escape her families tug-of-war over the direction her life should go next. Trading places sounds like the perfect solution, but it is also quite complicated.
A very nicely detailed book with both Amish life, and the big city. I enjoyed reading it, and I enjoyed the way that both girls grew closer to God through their experiences. I also really liked how things wound up for Aunt Rachel.
Young Socialite Switches Places with Amish Girl to Escape Manhattan Scene!
“Why does everything have to be so complicated?” Madison shook her Blackberry at her mom…
“I’m sick of it…I can’t take it anymore…”
Anna Fisher was bored. But she knew better than to say that out loud – especially when everyone was busy with farming and fixing and all the additional chores that came with springtime.

Spring break has arrived. It’s her senior year, and Madison VanBuren is fed up with her surroundings and the pressures of life. Stressed out over choosing an Ivy League school that will please her parents, their marital problems, and her boyfriend's pressure, Madison gets in her car and drives west.
Meanwhile, eighteen-year-old Anna Fisher wants to escape the so-called simple life--which for her consists of caring for younger siblings, sewing, cooking, and gardening--and she's well aware that her future will simply be more of the same with a man she doesn't love.
Madison and Anna stumble into each other in a small town. Realizing their looks are uncannily similar, they both think their lives are boring. Thinking the grass is greener on the other side, they make a decision that will transform them forever and switch lives for one week.
Readers will love this funny and provocative tale of switching places from bestselling author Melody Carlson. As they get a glimpse and understanding of these two very different worlds. They may find themselves happy to be just who they are, and where they are.

Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, offers practical books that bring the Christian faith to everyday life. They publish resources from a variety of well-known brands and authors, including their partnership with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and Hungry Planet.
“Available June 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”
Thank you Ms. Donna and Revell for my copy of this book to review!
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