Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Weaving Roots Epic Book Launch

Weaving Roots Epic Book Launch


About the Book

Book Title: Weaving Roots

Author Name: Heather Wood

Genre: Christian Historical Fiction with Romance

Release Date: June 25, 2024

Baltimore, 1828

Spinning. Turning flax to fine linen thread for her family’s weaving business keeps Betha’s hands occupied all day, but it’s the concerns spinning in her heart that never truly rest. How can she give her nephew Henry a secure, loving home when his father remains indifferent? How can she guide the boy who calls her “Ma” to know and follow the Lord for himself? And when past secrets and future changes collide, will she lose Henry altogether?

Colm Gallagher is passionate about teaching boys using innovative educational methods. But is his kind and thorough instruction enough if he is not allowed to give his students the ultimate truth of God’s Word? Confronted by his student Henry Young and the boy’s lovely but determined aunt, Colm considers if he has allowed practical considerations to outweigh his deepest-held beliefs.

Even as Betha and Colm are drawn to each other, family loyalties, financial pressures, and personal uncertainties push them further apart. Will the threads of their lives unravel or become knit together into something stronger?

Weaving linen is her family’s legacy. Weaving roots of truth and grace is her calling.

Book Excerpt

She noted with satisfaction that the information seemed to have pleased Colm, for he almost smiled. He stood blinking at her before Betha realized that she hadn’t answered his actual question and he was still wait­ing.

“Yes, of course. We can do the evaluation now.”

Betha wandered around the schoolroom to give them space while Colm pulled out his books and gestured for Henry to take a seat. Stopping by the window, she took in the view of church steeples and government buildings, the steady, articulated cadence of Colm’s low voice wafting through the room as he quizzed Henry.

Somewhere out in Fell’s Point, their neighborhood surrounding Balti­more’s wharves, Seamus was looking for a flax supplier. Betha re­moved her bonnet from her black hair, breathing out a prayer that she and Henry would return home to good news and she could get the spinning wheel going sooner rather than later. Seamus hadn’t seemed at all con­cerned about suppliers when he packed up his loom in New York.

“Baltimore is just as close to the Delaware Valley as New York is, Betha. It shouldn’t affect our supply at all. Besides, Baltimore is half as big as New York and growing. It’s the perfect place and time to establish our name.”




Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here


Excerpt One:
Excerpt Two:
Excerpt Three:
Excerpt Four:
Excerpt Five:
Excerpt Six:




About the Author

Heather Wood grew up in the Chicago suburbs, loving history, classic literature, writing stories, and Civil War reenacting. After obtaining her bachelor's degree in Bible/Theology from Appalachian Bible College, she settled in Virginia with her husband David. Her early passions fuel her writing today, although she spends most of her days now working to infuse her love for God and good literature into the hearts of her four children.

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