Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Heart of the Ajs by T. E. Bardford

About the Book

Book:  Heart of the Ajs
Author: T.E. Bradford
Genre:  Fantasy / Sci-Fi blend
Release Date: September 16, 2019
She has magic she cannot use…
He has a secret she must uncover.
ASFAR, first planet from the sun is a desert planet steeped in superstition and tradition. Nafisa el Faruz is the princess, defender of the sun and champion of her people. Hers is the most powerful magic—zaman, holder of time.
TRINITOS, third planet, is home to the sky gate and the wicked man who controls its use, the Ajs An’hlj. He is yunfah—a wind walker, one who can control the air itself. The only thing he covets more than control is power, and he has his sights set on Nafisa.

Click here to get your copy.

My Review:

What a surprisingly awesome book! It exceeded my expectations. The Sci-Fi type feel is perfect. It's so much deeper than I anticipated. I didn't want to tear myself away from this story at all. I was pulled right into the other universe, the planets, and this amazing young woman. A princess with a gift she isn't supposed to use. The deep teaching or lessons were so well done. You wind up thinking without realizing it at first. Good vs. Evil is very clearly shown. Nafisa is fantastic. I really want more of this series! 

5 Stars 

About the Author 

Tracy is the author of the Divide Series, Six World Sagas, and International Bestseller: Kindled Legends – Written in the Stars.
When she’s not busy writing, she can be found taking a scenic drive with her family, snapping photos, or giving voices to her son’s stuffed animals. She reclines her feet in Upstate New York with her very own grumpy kitty, the husband God made just for her, and the son who is her forever best story.

More from Tracy

A large part of the plot for Heart of the Ajs stemmed from a conversation I had with my son. He’d asked me why he still had bad dreams, even after praying for God to take them away.
I searched for the words to explain why God doesn’t always say yes. Sometimes he says no. Or maybe. Or wait–which for me is the hardest answer of all. I thought of an example from when we’d been looking for a new house and didn’t get the one we’d been hoping for. We were so disappointed. But God had a better house in mind for us. We just didn’t know it yet. And at one point my job became very toxic, when after seven years of work I got pregnant and suddenly managers who’d promoted me several times were telling me I wasn’t cutting it. God had a better job in mind for me. I just didn’t know it yet.
I started to wonder if I could weave this truth into a story I’d been working on about a girl who didn’t feel her father or God were listening. She couldn’t see a way out, or understand how anything good could come from where she was.
Yet our precious Heavenly Father always has a plan. A perfect, incredible plan far beyond our wildest imaginings. One He is faithful to reveal with perfect timing.
Even if we may not know it yet.

Blog Stops

Artistic Nobody, May 22 (Author Interview)
Blossoms and Blessings, May 24 (Author Interview)
By The Book, May 26 (Author Interview)
For the Love of Literature, May 28 (Author Interview)
Wishful Endings, May 30 (Author Interview)
A Baker’s Perspective, June 2 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, T.E. is giving away the grand prize package of a $20 Amazon Gift Card, a signed copy of my book Child of Prophecy, a piece of raw onyx, and a genuine Jasper stone heart necklace!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Wonderful review, Carol! Sounds fascinating. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This sounds like a really good book with a pretty cover.

  3. This sounds like an excellent read.

  4. Good Morning! Your book sounds great and I'm glad I got to learn about it. Thank you!

  5. This book sounds like an excellent read!
