Monday, September 24, 2012

The Telling by Mike Duran (A Three Part Post is Planned!)


Mike Duran has top his last book! The Resurrection was good. It stayed on my book shelf, so that means it made the "grade" with me. However, The Telling is incredible! Now I an happily have two of Mike Duran's books snugged up side by side on my bookshelf. Yeah! Warning: You are not getting my "normal" post today.

Those of you who read my blog know I love to read, but it is sort of lackluster if the book I read doesn't stick with me, or change me in some way. If that is the case then all I have done is occupy myself for a while. Nothing wrong with that at all, but I prefer books that change me, inspire me, make me think. Books that months later pop into my mind when least expected, still hard at work on the mind and heart of their reader. Those are the really good books, and this is one of them.
Everything we know, everything we are, started with a word. "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God." John 1:1 That ties to Genesis 1:3 where we find God up to something. "God said - "Light Be!" And so, light was!" Light became tangible in our dimension and reality. Light became something we can see, something we can use to see, something we can feel the warmth of the sun as it generates light. We miss the light when it is absent, and strive to turn on when needed so we don't flail about in the dark.  So it was with Zephaniah Walker, Zeph for short and for other reasons.

Zeph hears words, and when he speaks them, things happen. This gift, or curse depending on who and what happened from the words spoken, has been with Zeph since he was a young child. He calls it "the Telling". His entire life has been altered because of the Telling. Yet, Zeph is tired. He is hurt. He is torn. Zeph is broken. He has even been brutally physically scared! Daily in the mirror he confronts a huge scar, a line virtually dividing his face in half, gouged into his face by  his own stepmother! From that, and other scars much deeper and more painful than the one on his face, the Prophets of the Plains simply shut down. He stopped. Zeph stopped using the Telling. He stopped being anything but a broken husk of something that he wasn't sure of to start with. In doing so he tucked himself away as a recluse; to live out his days in grief, pain, heartache, and despair.

But as sure as the rock are able to cry out if we remain silent, Zeph can not stay silent forever with out a cost greater than he can even fathom. The gifts and callings of God are with out repentance, they don't leave, they don't go away. Thus - "A prophet never loses his calling, only his way." This prophet must decide if he is going to find his way again, or stay lost at a cost that would be catastrophic, and fatal to millions.

For this post I give you this to think upon:
What price do others pay when you are silent? What will the end results of your silence be? What would really happen if you just open your heart, your mind, your mouth, and spoke of the Light that is inside of you?


Book link - 
Author Blog -
Author Facebook page -

In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. 

Jim Armstrong
Noah Arsenault
Keanan Brand
Beckie Burnham
Brenda Castro
Jeff Chapman
Theresa Dunlap
Victor Gentile
Nikole Hahn
Bruce Hennigan
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Emileigh Latham
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Anna Mittower
Kathleen Smith
Donna Swanson
Jessica Thomas
Steve Trower
Dona Watson
Shane Werlinger
Phyllis Wheeler


  1. Great questions to consider, Carol. I think it's great when a book that entertains also sparks thoughtful dialogue like this.

    What would happen if I as a believer spoke of the Light within me? I suppose I think I might turn people off, that they might not only turn away from the Light but from me. And yet, if I truly love them, then I need to speak of that which they need most.

    I appreciate your post!


  2. Forgot to opt in but will post my review Wednesday night. :)

  3. Thank you Becky!

    This was the biggest first point that spoke to me, not just through Zeph, but Little Weaver as well. And I haven't even covered him yet in my posts!

    If some people are turned off, and yet the seek the Truth, they will not stay turned off. However, if by my silence the Light isn't seen, someone I could have helped might remain lost in the dark. That would break my heart, so I must speak. :)

    Thank you for commenting Becky!
    Carol :)

  4. Hi Lyn,

    Oh my! Well I will do my best to check out your post when you get it done Wed. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Carol :)

  5. Great post, Carol! I am going to have to really ponder those questions, mainly because I've kept silent before.
