Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lion Of Babylon by Davis Bunn

Hi Everyone,

Lion of Babylon is a good book. I am particularly happy about how Mr. Davis Bunn frequently managed to give me the same feeling that the old movies with Arabs in them gave me. That was very nice! I haven't heard the word "sayyid" in quite some time. I had not seen it spelled before either, but I recognized it instantly. Effiendi was another word I knew and was glad to see. These little things are big to me, and I really enjoyed them!

Even in the middle of major crisis, in a war torn country, Lion of Babylon has some of the same feel as I loved from the 1940 movies that showed some of this culture. Unlike those movies, there are no magic carpets, but instead real humans struggling with their changing  country.

This book was written with the kindest view towards the peoples of this land. I was extremely impressed at the infusion of culture and the most polite ways of showing Jesus that I have ever read in a Christian book dealing with the Middle-East issues. I think I can easily say that this man has a heart for these people, and it shows in his writing. It showed in the underground churches, and in the day-to-day lives of his main characters. We have brothers and sisters in Christ in lands that are struggling, lands who's people can't openly say I follow Christ as can be done in the USA. The people need our prayers. This book is about them, and a few men from the USA, and government plots, and what we truly hold most dear to our hearts. Lion of Babylon is well worth reading.


This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Lion of Babylon
Bethany House (July 1, 2011)
Davis Bunn

Born and raised in North Carolina, Davis left for Europe at age twenty. There he first completed graduate studies in economics and finance, then began a business career that took him to over forty countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Davis came to faith at age 28, while living in Germany and running an international business advisory group. He started writing two weeks later. Since that moment, writing has remained both a passion and a calling.

Davis wrote for nine years and completed seven books before his first was accepted for publication. During that time, he continued to work full-time in his business career, travelling to two and sometimes three countries every week. His first published book, The Presence, was released in 1990 and became a national bestseller.

Honored with three Christy Awards for excellence in historical and suspense fiction, his bestsellers include The Great Divide, Winner Take All, The Meeting Place, The Warning, The Book of Hours, and The Quilt.
A sought-after speaker in the art of writing, Davis serves as Writer In Residence at Regent’s Park College, Oxford University.

Marc Royce works for the State Department on special assignments, most of them rather routine, until two CIA operatives go missing in Iraq--kidnapped by Taliban forces bent on generating chaos in the region. Two others also drop out of sight--a high-placed Iraqi civilian and an American woman providing humanitarian aid. Are the disappearances linked? Rumors circulate in a whirl of misinformation.

Marc must unravel the truth in a covert operation requiring utmost secrecy--from both the Americans and the insurgents. But even more secret than the undercover operation is the underground dialogue taking place between sworn enemies. Will the ultimate Reconciler between ancient enemies, current foes, and fanatical religious factions be heard?

If you would like to read the first chapter of Lion of Babylon, go HERE.

The book link is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0764209051 


  1. Thanks for this review, sounds really good. I am starting to have a lot of respect for Davis Bunn's work. It's so good to have a Christian author who deals rightly with other people's cultures. I think I'll read this!

  2. You are most welcome Heather! Thank you for your comment. I do not believe you will be disappointed. I was very pleasantly surprised over and over at the way Mr. Davis Bunn handled such delicate issues in this book! Once you read it do let me know if you agree!

    Carol :)
