Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Vanish by Tom Pawlik

Hello All!

Well this book did... it Vanished! The publisher didn't get it to me! Agggg!
I will be oh so glad when it gets here, or I can get a copy and then I will update this blog.
I am so sorry, Mr. Pawlik, to not be able to write a proper review for you at this time! :0
I do hope to read Vanish and Valley of the Shadow as well.

Carol :0

Tom Pawlik’s Web site -
Tom Pawlik’s blog -

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  1. Sorry you were one of those who didn't get the book, Carol. It's a good one.

    Unless the post office coughs up the lost copies, I'm afraid you'll have to borrow from the library.


  2. Thank you Becky! I hope to get a copy in the not too far off future, if they don't find mine! I just can't imagine where it when! I normally get everything!
    Carol :)
