Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Book Of Names (Legends of Karac Tor) by D. Barkley Briggs

Hello Fair Readers! 

A wonderful tale, I can't wait to read more of this series! I was thrilled to find myself transported in a world with Fay Folk and Gnomes. I played with Gnomes and a real Gnome Home as a child. I adore how Mr. Brigg's worked in the Call Birds. I find so many wonderful parallels in this book that I could just go on and on for a long time yet!  I have a brother of my own, but that isn't the same as a pair of brothers, or even 3 brothers! However, I have spent a great part of my life with a pair of brothers, my first cousins who I am so very close to. In those ways I felt like I knew Hayden and Ewan were close to me as my cousins are. I really loved my time in Karac Tor. I look forward to going back there again, as soon as Mr. Brigg's writes another book! 

Carol :) 


  1. Hi Carol,
    So you played with gnomes did you?! Lucky!

  2. Dear Brandon,

    Yes I did! When I was very little my Aunt found all sorts of Gnome and Fairy pictures and she made me scrap book of them. She had the most beautiful handwriting! I was old enough to read, but not to write well, so I was in charge of gluing the pictures down with glue sticks. I think I have had a fondness for "other-wordly" thinks ever since!
    Carol :)
