Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hidden By Shelley Shepard Gray

Hi Everyone! 

Sometimes I need a good romance and this is  an excellent choice! This was a beautiful book, a sweet good story. Anna has a lifetime of making the wrong choices where men are concerned. Her current boyfriend is becoming more and more violent and Anna has no idea what to do. In desperation she flees to the Amish community. There, at the Brenneman Bed and Breakfast, she finds some shelter. Anna is safely hidden there, until her estranged boyfriend will not stop pursuing her for the secrets she knows that could destroy his career! 

Meanwhile, Anna has found a hidden place where she can put aside most of her worries and seek God's will for her life. The new man in her life, she doesn't know if he will ever be anything past a friend, if they can even manage a friendship! Can she live in two worlds? You will have to read this book to see, because I am not going to give it all away!  I will tell you this is a really beautiful story, and I so appreciated the Amish in this book. They were portrayed so well, and so tastefully. I really liked that, and this book left me with a sweet peaceful feeling. 
I even read the preview of the next book! Guess what? I would like to read that one too! 

Carol :) 

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing


Avon Inspire (May 27, 2008)


Shelley Shepard Gray

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Hidden is Shelley’s first foray into inspirational fiction. Previously, Shelley lived in Texas and Colorado, where she taught school and earned both her bachelors and masters degrees in education. She now lives in southern Ohio where she writes full time. Shelley is an active member of her church. She serves on committees, volunteers in the church office, and is part of the Telecare ministry, which calls homebound members on a regular basis. Shelley looks forward to the opportunity to write novels that showcase her Christian ideals.


Hidden is a remarkable story about the unlikely love between a modern girl on the run and an Amish boy from the family who shelters her.

When Anna decides it's time to leave her abusive boyfriend, she doesn't know where to turn. Rob is a successful and respected person in her community. He has completely won over her parents with his good looks and prestigious position at a top law firm. Only Anna has seen his dark side. But when Rob hurts Anna yet again, she realizes that she must finally help herself.

Desperate, she runs to the one place she’s always felt completely safe, the Amish Brenneman Bed and Breakfast, where years ago she and her mother once stayed, and where Anna met life-long friend Katie Brenneman. When Anna shows up years later unexpectedly, the family welcomes her in, with few questions asked, and allows her to stay, dressed as the Amish in Plain clothes, and help around the inn.

But Katie’s older brother Henry doesn’t take too kindly to the intrusion. Anna wonders if it’s because he’s already had his heart broken. To Henry’s shame, from the moment he sees Anna, he feels a strong attraction. To cover his infatuation, he tries to ignore her, knowing no good would ever come from keeping an eye on a fancy woman like her. But as he sees that Anna has a good heart and is not the selfish, spoiled woman he imagined her to be, he feels his heart pointing towards her.

Anna comes to realize that she’s found a home and true love in the last place she’d expected. How can she deny the life she left behind? And will her chance for happiness be stolen away by the man who can’t seem to let her go?

If you would like to read the Prologue, go HERE

The book link is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0061474452

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